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Writer's picturebrightwoodcadc

BRIGHTWOOD FALL CLEAN UP, Sat., Oct. 3rd from 1–3pm

Join your neighbors on Saturday, October 3rd from 1-3pm for a neighborhood clean up! We will be observing DC COVID-19 safety guidelines (details below). Help keep your neighbors safe by wearing a mask during the clean-up and maintaining social-distance.

This clean-up is sponsored by the Brightwood Community Association.

Location: We will meet at the park on the CORNER of VAN BUREN and LUZON AVE.

Equipment: Bags, gloves, and limited tools will be provided. Feel free to bring grabbers or your preferred tool. Hand sanitizer (in pumps) will be available.

Disposal: Participants must take the trash home or to Fort Totten Transfer Station during residential drop-off hours (Monday-Friday, 1-5 PM, Saturday 8 AM-3 PM). For bulky items (appliances, shopping carts, etc.) volunteers should leave it in place and send the location and description to (Under normal circumstances, the city will pick it up from a designated location)

Safety: Masks required! We will be following DC COVID-19 guidelines:

  • Individuals and organizations may conduct cleanups in neighborhoods and District parks. Gatherings must include fewer than 50 people.

  • Group cleanup activities on federally owned land, including the National Mall, Rock Creek Park, Anacostia Park, and other parcels, must go through National Park Service permitting and follow their guidance, which may differ from that of the District of Columbia.

  • Safety precautions, including social distancing, wearing a face covering, avoiding touching your face, and washing your hands thoroughly should be practiced.

  • Trash bags, gloves, and limited tools are available from the Mayor’s Office of the Clean City for contactless drop-off. Tool usage is limited to one event per week.

  • If you encounter littered PPE such as masks and gloves, use your own comfort level and common sense as a guide.

  • For trash disposal, cleanup participants must take the trash home or to Fort Totten Transfer Station during residential drop-off hours (Monday-Friday, 1-5 PM, Saturday 8 AM-3 PM). Proof of DC residency is required to access Fort Totten. DPW is NOT collecting trash from cleanup activities during Phase Two.

  • For bulky items (appliances, shopping carts, etc.) volunteers should leave it in place and send the location and description to If the debris appears to be illegal dumping, please report the debris to DPW via 311.

  • One method for distributing cleanup supplies to volunteers is to set out a bin of supplies with instructions on where to clean and safety guidelines, where volunteers can gather materials without close contact with others.

More info: | 202-442-8121

@CleanCityDC | #TrashFreeDC

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