We have decided that the May 11 BCA public meeting will not be happening - virtually or otherwise. We will instead use the evening to hold our BCA Board meeting (virtually) so that we can continue to move forward with our Brightwood planning and outreach.
If you'd like some community-friendly options for how to spend your 2nd Tuesday of the month from 7-9pm (our usual meeting time), here are some Brightwood-specific options. Most of them will take 30 mins or less - the fastest BCA 'meeting' ever! Adopt a Block – We might not be having BCA Neighborhood Clean Up Days as a group, but there is something you can do by yourself or with a couple neighbors (at an appropriate distance). The Mayor’s Office on the Clean City will support neighbors to adopt blocks (a minimum of two) in a residential or commercial area. You or your group agree to conduct a quarterly clean-up days, report and request available city services to 311, maintain this agreement for two years and record your cleanup results online. Our young neighbor Jordan and his family recently adopted two blocks on Sheridan and Somerset, surely more of us could copy his example. We have 11 adopted blocks in Brightwood right now. I bet there is at least 5 more blocks we can get adopted before the pandemic ends. Please go here for more info: https://cleancity.dc.gov/service/adopt-block 2020 Census – This is so important I want to make a special push for every Brightwood resident to fill out the 2020 Census. Right now only 49% of Brightwood has filled it out. It’s so easy you can do it on your phone, or computer or by mail, but it’s so important that it decides what federal funds DC will receive for schools, roads, and other public services as well help to determine the number of seats that each state has in Congress. Please go here to fill out the census https://2020census.gov/ and here to see what it means for DC https://dccensus2020.dc.gov/ . Encourage your neighbors to follow your example! Get Ready to Vote – So many elections coming up in June and November. If you need more information please visit the Board of Elections here: https://www.dcboe.org/Elections/2020-Elections Food Assistance and Donations - The Emory Beacon of Light (Emory United Methodist Church) has a food pantry for families and persons in need at 6100 Georgia Ave NW. They are open on Tuesdays between 12pm and 2pm, stop by during these hours for assistance. They are also accepting food and monetary donations to help them serve 190 to 205 people each week. Call 202-723-3130 and ask for the Beacon Center Food Pantry to arrange drop off or donate via their website: http://emorybeaconoflight.org/ Help for Seniors - East Rock Creek Village (ERCV) is a local nonprofit of neighbors helping neighbors who are age 50 and older in the northern part of Ward 4, including Takoma DC, Shepherd Park, Colonial Village, North Portal Estates, Brightwood and Manor Park. While the District shelter-in-place order is in effect, ERCV has volunteers who can pick up and deliver food, medicine and supplies to anyone over 50 who lives in our service area. We also offer friendly check in calls to prevent social isolation and have a social worker available to help connect people to district and federal services. To sign up or get more information about this complimentary short-term membership, please email info@ eastrockcreekvillage.org or call 202-656 7322. More info here: https://www.eastrockcreekvillage.org/ Get to know Upper Georgia Avenue Main Street – Under a grant from the Dept of Small and Local Business Development we now have our very own Main Street to support our local businesses. It has already provided $35,000 in grants to 7 local businesses. Paul Ruppert, the UGAMS Executive Director, is helping businesses to apply for additional city and Federal support, he’s working with businesses to increase their outreach to customers and he’s working with landlords and property owners to find ways to keep our storefronts occupied and existing Upper Georgia Avenue businesses in place. Find more information here: https://www.uppergeorgiaave.com/ Get Ready for Mosquitoes – One of our neighbors is organizing to buy mosquito traps from Biogents US. They are passive traps designed to catch tiger mosquitoes that torment so many every year. Biogents recommends 2 traps for a typical yard, but I'm not sure what they consider typical. Here is a link to more information: https://us.biogents.com/wp-content/uploads/BG-GAT-infoflyer-Enduser-web-USA.pdf Please contact Shelley to get on the waiting list: smoskodc@yahoo.com. Monica Goletiani President, Brightwood Community Association Facebook https://www.facebook.com/brightwoodcommunityassociation/ Twitter Brightwood Community (@BrightwoodCADC) | Twitter